To some of those who read this...I'm sorry if I come off as bossy, pushy, under educated or anything else that it may make me seem. I only apologize because it will probably be misread and taken for something that it is not intended. However...people will assume about me what they want no matter how hard I defend myself or otherwise. So, instead of convincing you of things I am, I will tell you what I'm not....
-a parent
-physically fit in the eyes of society/too fit in the eyes of society
The reason I mention the above subjects is because this is all I ever see anymore on social media. And while I'm glad people are (hopefully) using their critical thinking skills while reading and posting things, I also think they're forgetting something. There are people who aren't in their shoes not choosing a side or a stance on the matter. For example...I'm none of the above things so why should I have a say about it. How I feel about these matters don't really ring any legitimate meaning because I've never faced these issues. But I can tell you some things that I am concerning the above topics. By no means in any of this am I bashing anyone for their stance or reasoning, just sharing my own and wishing that instead of filling our media with arguments (not discussion) and put downs on how other people are living their life.I'm by no means saying I support or do not support anything in this blog, I'm simply speaking of my observations about what has been said. So, I am...
-A young woman who desires more than anything in the world to be a mother. To feel life living off of her own body. To know what it is like to create a human with her husband. While I may seem like I have just as good of a chance to have children as the next woman, that's not true. I have an endocrine disorder that works against the natural reproduction system. And while I love seeing motherly posts about pride and upsets me. Not because I may not be able to have children and some women I know do, but because some of the time these posts are so bossy and pushy. I feel like women are continually attacking each other, which only gives even more permission to the world around us to belittle the role of the woman in the world. Women attack each other for how they feed, care, and even birth their children. It no longer is an educational discussion about what we know and what we don't know, it has now become a full on attack at who raises their children better, disguised with words and pictures. It hurts me to see more mom's attack than encourage and support their fellow sister that may be struggling on a daily basis to just feel like she's a competent mother. Some days I cry and ache because I face the strong possible reality of not having children. I meet women who've been diagnosed with PCOS and tried for years with success and those who have not. And just because there are women who have been blessed with children doesn't mean that I will be. But that doesn't mean I'm giving up on it. I just don't have a place to say how parenting should occur, but I also don't think others have a right to judge that based upon a child they don't know.
-Skinny. I do not know the life of a skinny girl, I mean I went through puberty starting in 3rd grade,so I never had the chance to be a skinny was not that favorable to me. However, later on in life I realized it's not always so favorable to be skinny. My sister was ALWAYS skinny and actually had a harder time gaining weight. She was made fun of for being too skinny, often called anorexic or bulimic and boy was she far from it, if anyone knows it's me because I was always the one snacking with her ;) My point here is that I see all of the "Real men love..." skinny, not skinny, curvy, women looking like Marilyn Monroe, whatever that means. Honestly, let's define "Real Man" and then after that let's stop categorizing people and realize that you DON'T have to have a "type". Let's realize that there is a possibility that a man can be attracted to a skinny and curvy or overweight girl. Once again, the majority of people I see posting these things are women. Why do we attack one another? Not to mention, why do we get to choose skinny or curvy as things men love or like about women. I forgot the part where we talk about character and passions. I forgot that women are nothing but bodies...hello women it's 2014 have you not heard of feminism. Of being proud of being real humans and thinking that maybe some men actually want women who are feminists, who believe they're more than a body?! Phew, I could rant about this for hours...needless to say I am a woman who is SICK of being seen as nothing more than a skinny, overweight, curvy or any other adjective you can think of....fill in the blank here.( ) Body. Because I'm SURE if you asked my husband, the first thing on his list, wouldn't be my body.
-Lastly, like anyone else I have days where I vent probably a little too much on social media, like maybe you think this blog is that exact thing and that's fine. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion which is why I apologize ahead for seeming slightly contradicting. I'm not saying people should or should not post their views, stances, emotions etc but I am saying we should do so from an educated point of view. Or let's put it this way, I want to defy the labels that older generations have set upon my generation about being impulsive, emotional and not rational thinkers. Forgive me if this seems to be any of those things and forgive me for my imperfect grammar skills. If I were writing to be published in some scientific journal, I would approach this differently. But I'm not writing on a scientific level, I'm writing from a citizen concerned about our culture. Concerned about how we address our problems and how we bring those problems to others. I'm fearful for when/if I have children that they will no longer know what it means to be poised, eloquent, and respectful in their thoughts. I'm afraid that they will confuse passion for a subject with pride and inability to listen to others with an open mind. I'm simply afraid for how I see relationships unraveling between loved ones over issues alike and beyond what I've mentioned above. And if this is out of line, my most sincere apologies but if it's okay to bash one another without thinking of our repercussions on social media sites, then why is it NOT okay to talk about how we SHOULDN'T handle things that way? I don't understand this "Get all mad and spew things on social media...but not want to talk about it like mature adults in real life"...At the end of the day, I am a child of God and I firmly believe in the power of grace and reconciliation. I believe that His governing is more powerful than what I or any other person "in charge" of our life can do. And if you don't believe that, okay. You have that right. Because God is about love and choosing to love Him back. It's never about pressure and putting on a show. Not to me anyways. I am a sinner. I am saved by grace that I've accepted through salvation. I am a lover of the light.
As you can tell, I'm very passionate about this, excuse any spelling or grammar errors. This was a rant straight from my heart, so I think I will leave it as is, flaws and all.
Colossians 3:12-15 So, as those who have been chosen of God, holy and beloved, put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience; 13 bearing with one another, and forgiving each other, whoever has a complaint against anyone; just as the Lord forgave you, so also should you. 14 Beyond all these things put on love, which is the perfect bond of unity. 15 Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body; and be thankful.