Friday, January 10, 2014

What's All The Fuss?

I've never been a huge fan of New Years celebrations and resolutions, in part because I never follow through with my own...So I gave up on those a long time ago, however, I was reading on one of my best friend's blog about choosing a word for the New Year. I'm a huge fan of this idea because I believe there is such power in words. We build our attitudes, opinions, morals and relationships around words. We use words to express ourselves and our perception of the world around us, just like this very blog. As I sit here thinking of a million words I could claim for this year (mostly negative) I push those off to the side. I want this year to be different, like most who make their annual resolutions. I too want a change, difference and adventure. But I can't do that if I'm so focused in on just the negative in my life, and there has been a lot in my life, like most humans. We experience the good but we also fight through the bad. I choose to overcome adversity, and the only way I know how to do that is take on an attitude of humility. That's my word for 2014. Humility.

Dictionary definition:a modest or low view of one's own importance; humbleness
Sometimes I think people confuse humility for weakness or not having self worth. But to me it's admitting that the world doesn't revolve around you and seeing that others have needs just as much as you do. To me it reminds me that I can't do everything on my own. It shows me that love can conquer all and humans aren't a complete lost cause. An ounce of humility can change a heart of stone...I would know, I've experienced it many times in my life.

So humility, that's what I want to live...see...speak and act out on. 

Thinking about all the resolutions I've been seeing this year thus far, I've been really encouraged to believe in myself. Maybe this year I will reach goals I've longed to have met for years. Prime example...

  1. -Go GLUTEN FREE, ahh scary to me, but trying this out starting Monday! =] 
  2. -Exercise Monday-Friday at least 30 min a day
  3. -Lower and eliminate my caffeine/soda intake
  4. -Keep up with the above lifestyle changes because they ultimately can decrease my PCOS symptoms!!!
  5. -Digest my past and process it, instead of suppressing it (working on a lot lately)
  6. -Celebrate life, instead of dwelling on loss and death
  7. -Pray and read the word everyday (always has been a struggle)
  8. -Somehow get back into singing
  9. -Blog every day
  10. -Believe in myself
  11. -Keep falling harder for my husband every single day.
  12. -Be a better wife every day

Looks like I have a long list of things to work on in 2014 but without change I wouldn't be growing.Ephesians 4:2 "with all humility and gentleness, with patience, showing tolerance for one another in love"

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