Friday, March 7, 2014


I have come to the conclusion that I see change from a very different view than many. I have learned to embrace change and to freely blow where its winds take me. I wasn't always such a friend or fan of change. Like many I feared it. I ran from it. And I avoided it at all costs. However, as I've gotten older I've realized this beautiful life I live would be in shambles if it weren't for change. 

To many, change is death or an end to something they are comfortable with. And while I agree that change can be overwhelming because it can strip us of what we know, and may take for granted, it makes you do what you never said you would. Change can bring out colors we hate in ourselves and in others. But that's the point of change, growth. Change can also bring out the most beautiful parts of our soul, if we let it. 

For me, change means life and growth (picture a green thumb). Change represents sobriety from substance abuse. Change shows recovery from a horribly dark and abuse filled childhood. But most importantly, change represents breaking the cycle. And to me, change has saved my life not only in this world but with my relationship with God. I had to change. Die to myself. Change is such a scary subject. It often causes people in power to oppress other people. But, what if the oppression starts with us?What if, we can start with ourselves and make the changes we have feared for far too long? I learned for myself that change means I don't have to be a captive to depression, anger, and feeling worthless. 

I am not claiming that change is easy but if it were, we wouldn't fear it. Change is a beautiful journey. Much like our lives. And change creates the beautiful twists and turns in our stories. Sometimes painful but sometimes bright and joyful. Don't be afraid to travel a path unknown. Don't be afraid to go for it. Don't hold back. Share your story. 

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