However, I let that remain an excuse to not try for a very long time. Mostly out of fear. You'll find out quick when it comes to working out, I get afraid. Here are my three reasons why.
1)I have had numerous severe sprains in my ankles, which I wish I would've just broken my ankle. My left ankle is STILL swollen from a running accident back in 2011. And I was told I will more than likely, always have swelling. It sucks.
2)I went on a health kick when I started going to GVSU since they have a nice facility and it was included in my tuition. But when I really started to get on a kick of working out and running, I happened to catch mono. I had three cycles of it before it disappeared. I pray it stays gone. I had a swollen spleen for a long time which left me unable to workout. Also just FYI my last cycle of mono occurred just a month and a half before my severe sprain of 2011.
3)I'm afraid of what other people think of me.
And we can lecture about number 3 all we want but in order to overcome that fear, you have to face it. And that's EXACTLY what I've been doing. And that's the reason I get anxious every day before I walk into the gym. But today I left proud. I walked around the gym with my head held high because I beat my personal record for a mile. And I unfortunately found myself worrying that people would think "why is she proud of that time?" "Why should we care?" "Oh, you ran it on an elliptical psh". But you know what, I made a big deal about it anyways. Because to me I beat a lot more than a personal record for a mile time. I beat intimidation and shame of myself. I beat the thought that I cannot do this, I'm too fat, I have high bp etc etc. Any of the other junk that floods my mind and I'm sure some of you. I was so proud I went and bought a new wine to try with my dinner (salmon, baked sweet potato and salad). I rewarded myself with a HEALTHY meal. I've NEVER done that.
So yes, it started with some tears in the middle of the grocery store from seeing all the cute babies and pregnant women. It took anger. Frustration. Pain. And defeat for me to overcome many fears. Today I walked into the gym afraid to run the mile (long time fear, even before I was overweight) and I practically skipped out of the gym with pride, joy and confidence.
For anyone who is trying to lose weight, stop!!!!! Please. Let your focus be so much MORE than a number. Be healthy and that will come with it. If we focus more on what we do to our bodies and what we put in them, we will be healthier all around and eventually the weight will come off. Make it permanent. Make changes. Over come YOUR fears and believe in YOU.
Best feeling in the world, sweat pouring down my face, no make up, legs feeling like jello. I don't come to the gym to look pretty, I come to the gym to work hard and it's my hope that when I leave I will look like I worked hard.
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