Friday, March 14, 2014

Days of grace

There is an absolutely wonderful 100 day challenge going about social media that urges people to recognize one thing a day that brings them happiness. I am a huge fan of this! We even have a thankful board in our house, to help us stay positive and humble. 

Listening to a cd from international house of prayer many years ago I heard a message about what days really are. There aren't good days. There aren't bad days. They are days of grace. How are we to judge our life and its quality based on one day? We can't. Every day is a day of grace, meaning...every day is a gift. Every day is a chance to accept the love that God has shown me and will always show me. Last week at church I was reminded that God seeks us, everything He has ever done was to show us His love. For me, it's really hard to accept that. I want to categorize and label my day. I want to blame my bad attitude and lack of motivation on a "bad day" but I can't...why? Because it's an excuse, and every day is a day of grace. 

Last night while I was frustrated over how my skin looks (thank you pms and pcos) and how nothing seems to work, and I cried because I'm so mad at spending money on this and feeling so unattractive....I had to stop myself and remind myself, what days really are. 

This morning as I was sobbing because I miss my uncle (10 years ago this month he passed away due to an oxy overdose) and I reflected on the problems my family has with addiction and division, I told myself (with much help of my husband) that this is still a day of grace. 

Even today while walking through target (which seemed to be swamped with babies and pregnant woman) I had to remind myself. This day does not define your happiness. My lack of having a child and wanting to bring life to this earth, is not going to define my happiness. Even as I passed the baby aisle and held back tears, I told myself this is not going to take away from my day of grace. 

So if you happen to follow my Instagram (feliciat6913) or we are friends on Facebook you'll see my #daysofgrace and that's basically my personal every day of thankfulness and happiness and while I post pictures of circumstantial happiness, it reminds me that I have the best reason to be happy and that is because I have accepted the love and grace that is there for everyone, from a loving God. I'm not saying every day is going to be amazingly perfect with bunnies and butterflies and rainbows because it's not unless you're living in the world of Lisa Frank!!! :-) but it can be so much more enJOYable if we allow it to be. 

           Today's day of grace picture. 


  1. I love reading your blog because you are always so wise & have so much perspective when it comes to situations.
    Keep on being you because you're one of the best people I know.

    1. So sorry, I hardly check the comments on my laptop but I am going to be better about it! =] Thank you, for all your support and encouragement, it helps keep me on track! =]
